Attorney & Judges Training in Advanced Reunification Therapy
While we are pleased the training was sold out and disappointed we could not provide a seat to everyone wanting to attend, we are happy to respond to requests for training. Contact us if you have a group wanting this training.
This training is designed for attorneys and judges to assist in the understanding of resist/refusal dynamics in a family system. With this training, Susan Fletcher, Ph.D. and Christy Bradshaw Schmidt, LPC will assist family law professionals to increase their understanding of evidenced-based literature, evidence-based practice, and the management of cases with resist/refusal dynamics in family court.
Susan Fletcher, Ph.D. and Christy Bradshaw Schmidt, MA, LPC, are committed to assisting attorneys and judges to know more about reunification therapy by sharing their expert knowledge in this difficult field of practice. Please share this information with your colleagues.
Register Here
In this one time 3 hour training, attorneys and judges will learn:
Ways to manage a case and set appropriate expectations for parties.
What reputable professional literature to be familiar with as it relates to resist/refusal dynamics in family law cases.
Why mental health professionals say "resist/refusal" instead of "alienation".
How to tell when a mental health professional working with a family is not effective and possibly part of the problem.
What an attorney representing a party in reunification therapy can expect whether the attorney is representing the rejected or the favored parent.
Dr. Susan Fletcher
Dr. Susan Fletcher is a practicing psychologist with over 20 years of experience working with families. She conducts comprehensive forensic psychological evaluations, provides attorney consultations, forensic reviews of child custody evaluations, and serves as an expert witness. She recently served as a board member for the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists (TSBEP) and the Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council (BHEC). Dr. Fletcher is at the forefront of developing and implementing effective reunification therapy for families and has extensive experience training other providers with an approach that is dynamic, enjoyable, and challenging. Click here for more information about Dr. Fletcher.
Christy Bradshaw Schmidt
Christy Bradshaw Schmidt, MA, LPC, is a child custody evaluator and expert consultant in family law matters. Her career spans over two decades, and she has served as the Mental Health Liaison to the Family Law Foundation where she helped draft and pass numerous pieces of legislation impacting families. Ms. Bradshaw Schmidt also serves as an expert witness in many areas, including Resist/Refusal Dynamics. She is eager to share her expertise to assist committed therapists in developing a practice that is sound and will survive the most difficult cross-examination. Click here for more information about Ms. Bradshaw Schmidt.
Please share this with your colleagues.
To register, contact either of us at:
drfletcher@fletcherphd.com or christy@txfamilylawforensics.com
Dr. Fletcher and Ms. Bradshaw Schmidt are hopeful that this training can be offered for additional groups in the future. They are eager to develop, grow, and improve this program. Feedback from attorneys and colleagues is welcome.