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How to Stay Informed as it Relates to TSBEP and BHEC


As some of you know, I was appointed by Governor Abbot to be a member of the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychology (TSBEP) and I am honored to serve.  I also represent the psychology board as a professional member on the newly formed Behavioral Health Executive Council (BHEC).  BHEC is in the early stages and a website will be available, dedicated to BHEC, very soon.  So many tasks have already been accomplished and more are on their way.  It will all get there and I am very proud of each of the professional members and public members working with the staff to move things in a healthy direction for the benefit of the public as it relates to mental health issues.

Public comments are welcome at TSBEP meetings and BHEC meetings.  Meetings typically start at 9am but double check that in advance if you plan on attending.  Sign up sheets are available in the room to get on the list for public comments the morning of the meetings.  While we are currently dealing with COVID-19 and the limitations that forcing us to adapt, the plan is to offer the meeting virtually with public comments also being accepted virtually. Each person signing up will have 3 minutes to speak.  Each person making a public comment is encouraged to be concise in their presentation of what they want the board members to know at TSBEP meetings and what they want council members to know at BHEC meetings.  Suggested solutions to problems are always welcome and strongly encouraged.  Public comments are not a forum for complaints about specific licensees since that process is well defined in the TSBEP board rules and by BHEC.  Board members and council members want to hear public comments that state opinions, especially about current issues, with possible solutions offered. If you are planning to provide a public comment, or observe the meeting virtually, please check the TSBEP website for instructions using the links offered below.

The calendar for TSBEP board meetings is available on the TSBEP website here   The next TSBEP board meeting is Thursday, May 14, 2020.  The next BHEC board meeting is Tuesday, June 16, 2020.  Specific information for upcoming board meetings and temporarily for BHEC are available here   This may change as the TSBEP website is updated and when BHEC has it’s own website.  I’ll update that information when it is available. 

I’m honored to serve as a TSBEP board member and as a part of BHEC.   While there are many challenges as it relates to mental health in Texas, there are also many opportunities being discussed by the board and the council and I encourage mental health providers who are licensed in Texas and members of the public to stay informed.

Until next time,


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