This is the story of Johnny Stack, son of Laura and John Stack. You will want to read this. It could be anyone's story.
I encourage you to know this story and share with it others. It is a story to be told and followed.
I got to know Laura Stack when I was a member of the National Speakers Bureau. She is the Productivity Pro. Some of you may have seen her speak, or you may have read one of her many books. She is a pro as an international speaker. She has always had my admiration for being so professional, producing so much content, and for her spirit of giving to others.
Laura lost her son when he took his own life this past November. Knowing more about how this could happen in a loving family who remained attentive to Johnny's needs will help others. This part of Laura's story will change lives.
I know these stories because of what I do for a living. It is rare that a family will be so transparent about their story. I watched the video of the whole service for Johnny and I got to know him, his life, and how much he was loved.
I thought about sharing it on my personal page but it felt so personal, having gone through this with patients and their families.
Today's writing from Laura gives me emotional permission to present it to you.
Read this. Talk openly about mental health issues. Talk openly about depression and the risk of suicide. Stop the stigma.
Be in conversation.
This could be anyone's story. It is Laura's story and her family's experience. She gives us the backstory of what her family has learned as they experience unimaginable grief.
Until next time,