Today is my birthday and I'm happy about it.
My father's father didn't make it to his 50's. He had a heart attack and passed away before I was even born. I've seen a number of my classmates from Clearwater High School in Florida pass away - way before their time.
I'm sure you too have had people you care about leave you way too early.
That's why I'm happy to be in my fifties. I'm grateful and I feel very blessed.
Don't get me wrong. My life isn't the way that I thought it would be.
Even though I'm a Psychologist, I didn't start out studying Psychology. My bachelor's degree is in Health and Human Performance. I thought I wanted to do something in the field of athletic training or in the medical field. Instead I ended up in the profession I believe that was meant to be.
When I got married in 1992, I never imagined I would then be divorced in 2009. Instead of seeing that as a failure, I believe with 100% confidence that I have given myself the opportunity to love and be loved. I know next time I will do it the way I am truly capable and the way that it is meant to be.
I grew up taking dance, working on craft projects with my mom, twirling baton (yep, I was one of those), and inventing new hairstyles during sleepovers with friends. It was just a given that I would have daughters and pass along the girliness. That was not meant to be. I ended up having sons and it feels absolutely natural and right.
I live in Texas but I am a Florida girl in every way. While I call Texas where I live, I will always call Florida my home.
Life is what happens when you plan for something else.
My life isn't the way I expected but I do believe it is the way it is suppose to be.
Today is my birthday. It is a reminder for me to celebrate that my life isn't the way I thought it should be . . .
... and that's a good thing.
Enjoy your weekend!
Until next time,