My last blog post hit home with a lot of you. I'm humbled. Many of you sent me emails, you sent messages through Facebook, and there are comments below the blog post.
It was a very personal post ..... one that was easy to write and yet I hesitated to upload it. It was about the mistake I made while I was married. If you missed it, you can click here to read it.
I'm not always sure if writing more personal thoughts is something that is right. I had to ask myself if it would be helpful to those of you following my blog.
You let me know you approve and I'm thankful.
I've promised you that I would be focusing on content, content, content and my feet are planted firmly in that direction. Tomorrow I will be posting the second installment of a series of four on Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships. You will be pleased that the series is content rich and applicable to many different types of relationships.
Because that is what you deserve.
I'm in Austin for a few days for a professional opportunity I will tell you about very soon. My youngest son, Sam, is with me. That's all 5'11 of him in the picture above. Pretty good for just being 14. He is enjoying the trip and being along for the ride. We had a beautiful sunset and now we are in for the night.
Hope you have had a good week. I can't complain. This week you told me to be more vulnerable because you relate. I'm humbled and honored that you approve.
Until next time,