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Ribbon Cutting and Open House

Susan Fletcher, Ph.D.

Here we are with the big scissors cutting the ribbon to celebrate the opening of our new office. Last Thursday, beginning at 4:30, we enjoyed an open house and book signing for my new book. The Plano Chamber of Commerce was gracious enough to come out in full force!

Even though we just moved across the hall our space is much larger and more functional for our growing practice. It was great for our therapists (see photo below) Charmaine Solomon, LPC, Patti Allard, Ph.D. and Tricia Favre, Ph.D. to meet and visit with many of our referral sources as well as the local media. Susan Mendenhall of the Plano Profile was also nice enough to stop by.

One of my dear friends, Juanell Teague, was there. She has guided me so much in my speaking career and is the person who helped me formulate my Smart Zone™ concept which is the basis of both of my books. Pictured below is Zan Jones, my Director of Client Relations who books me to speak, Juanell Teague and me.

I am so thankful for everyone who was able to attend! It was a great evening!

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