Last night my husband and I went to a Birthday Party for our friend Wendy Kula. Wendy and her associates are the ones who master our public relations for the clinical practice and for Smart Zone Solutions. They make us look good and have positioned us as experts in print and television media. I have worked with Wendy for almost 8 years. Last night was an opportunity to celebrate Wendy. Meeting more of her associates and neighbors and hearing the stories about her 99 year old cat made us laugh. We enjoyed the banter about someone we admire and enjoy. How many of us let opportunities for celebrations pass us by? Sure birthdays and anniversary are milestones worth celebrating. But what about business accomplishments, personal milestones or even an expression of thanks? I watch so many top performers meet goals and accomplish something worth celebrating but being high achievers, they tend to just move on to what needs to be accomplished next. In the next week, organize an event to give thanks to people who support you, look for something to celebrate, and put the event on your calendar. Make it happen. Stop and get out of your head and be deliberate about telling people you appreciate them, celebrate life, and stop moving so fast that you miss the opportunity to pause with people you enjoy. We enjoyed last night Wendy. We loved meeting people who love you and care about you. Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of it.
People in the Smart Zone Make it Happen
Susan Fletcher, Ph.D.