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Our Favorite Things

Susan Fletcher, Ph.D.

As we watch the year end, all of us at Fletcher & Associates and Smart Zone Solutions have a lot to be thankful for. We look forward to 2008 with a lot of new offerings from both companies. We are moving our offices into a larger space and we are excited about our growth. We also like that our address and suite number will stay the same because it is right across the hall in the same building.

Many of our blog posts this past year have been designed to bring you value to help you stay in your Smart Zone™ and be a top performer at work and at home. As we close the year, we want to do something different. We want to give you a few of our favorite things.

Here's mine: A former patient of mine sent me an email that contained a link to one of the best video pieces I have seen this year. You will want to forward this newsletter to people just because of this video. This is my contribution to one of my favorite things (thanks to Laura). Click here to watch it.

Dee Liddle, our receptionist, is finishing her last semester for her Bachelor's Degree in Psychology at the University of North Texas. As a college student, she had some great ideas for the holidays for anyone on a budget. Click here to see Dee's ideas.

Patti Allard, LPC defends her dissertation this month and will immediately transform into Dr. Allard. We are very proud of her and thank her for her contribution: How To Deal With Anger.

Charmaine Solomon, LPC and Registered Play Therapist is excited to be gaining 4 more feet in her play room in the new office. Charmaine is pleased to give you a valuable list that will help you build Emotional Intelligence in your children.

Zan Jones, the wizard behind the curtain, responds to all requests for speaking, training, and consulting. Zan contributes her ideas on Hope for the Future.

Then finally, Sharon Beck, who keeps our office running smoothly, insisted on stepping out and giving you a peek into our lives. She brings you a list of secrets about the people who work at Fletcher & Associates and Smart Zone™ Solutions.

As we begin 2008, I am releasing my second book, Working in the Smart Zone. We unveiled the cover at the beginning of my appearance on FOX 4 Good Day last week. Click here to watch the segment.

Happy Holidays from all of us, and we look forward to bringing you continued value in 2008!

Susan, Sharon, Zan, Patti, Charmaine, and Dee

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